
Donating Benefits

Donating is the best way you can get involved in helping us serve the community. Donations are the only way Helping Hands is able to make money to serve the community. It is thanks to our great donors and customers that we are able to do good works in the community. Have used or unwanted items? Support Helping Hand Mission today by donating your reusable items and support a great cause in the community, and reap the benefits on taxes.


ATTENTION!!!! The tax savings you can earn from your donationsitems are considerable. If you donate clothes, furniture, or other items to Helping Hands, make sure you get a tax receipt from us. Never throw your donations in a bin where no receipt is available, you could save money through taxes. For example, if you donate $1,000 worth in items and you are in the 25% tax bracket that may be worth $250 in tax savings to you.


For more information on the benefits of donating, please view the following articles-


Benefits of Giving

Contributions: How much can you write off?

For specific rules and instructions you need for charitable contributions concerning proper documentation, procedure, etc., please  click the following link-


Donating - Items we take
Community Service